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I would like to explore some of the lawsuits Badfinger endured during the 1970s - especially the 1973 Apple suit. Again, this isn't an opportune time to put it together. But it will be noteworthy as Joey Molland claimed in an interview that this lawsuit never existed. Amazing, as it not only significantly affected the group's income, Joey actually made the statement long after the fact (the early 1990s, I believe). More astronaut descriptions, I guess.
Anyway, more on this subject later.
How much later? Ever heard of "put up or shut up"?
When I can get around to it. Sometimes life can be very busy.
Hey anonymous,
don't be too hard on him, great
works of fiction take time.
I always cite my sources and evidence, then just pit Joey's versions against them. Any fictional accounts leans toward the latter.
If we're still alive, wake
us, and let us know what you
had to say.
Tuesday, September 5, 2015
I wonder why this story is so
important in Badfinger history?
I promise to have it posted before Joey gets his book(s) on the market (assuming you are still awake then, too).
As far as importance, it is just another example of Joey the "astronaut" - the ultimate Badfinger gospel writer - not knowing what was going on.
Sorry Bill,
Too much time gone by. You've
lost me. With just Joey & Ron left,
it seems the book is a dead issue
OK, take care, Spliff.
I doubt I will be doing anything on this blog until sometime this summer. I just have too many irons in the fire right now. Sorry.
still waiting...
Hi, I'd like to ask a book related
question. Does anyone know if Dan
paid anything to use the recordings
that were on the book discs, or were
they given to him, and are they just
public domain now? Thanks.
Also I enjoyed your statements
that strain cred. column.
Personally, I have no idea. Just guessing, I'd say that stuff is not public domain. Matovina represents the Ham estate, so that shouldn't have been much of a problem to get clearances. I believe he did the same for the Evans estate back at that time, too. You'd have to ask Matovina if he paid them or not.
I've toyed with the idea of asking Matovina for a blog interview. I'm not sure he'd be interested.
I don't think Dan was in charge of
any of their stuff, at the time the
books were out.
I would like to see an interview
with "The Dan" containing some
straight-forward intelligent
questions. Hope it happens.
Hi Bill,
Can you (or anyone else here)
tell me what Bob Jackson's
complaint about Joey is? He put out
a long-winded post about him a few
years back accusing Joey of being
unprofessional, amongst other
things, but never backed it up
with any examples, or even giving
a clue as to what prompted this rant
of his? He just seemed to say, all
he ever wanted was to be Badfinger,
(which was strange, as he didn't
really know anything about them when he joined). The reality is,
he was in the band BECAUSE Joey
brought him in.
So he ends up dissing Joey, and
moaning about not being in the
band anymore, and next thing you
know, he's playing the Badfinger
event in England, like he's an
original. Of course, Joey, being
an original, is not invited
because there might be some fallout,
yet of course Dan's there, who many
people have a problem with, and
naturally, he can't just be a silent
contributor, he has to stand up
and give a speech! It's like a
Jewish party being thrown by the
P.S. I meant be "IN" Badfinger.
I'm not talking Tom or Joe here,
or I could have left that word out.
Sorry spaceman (or maybe Randy). That was basically a rant and has nothing whatsoever to do with the book. I don't know what the answers are, nor do I care.
It's interesting that we constantly hear about how mercenary Joey Molland is, yet his main detractor, Dan Matovina, apparently owns the Ham/Evans catalogue. Clearly, Matovina has a financial interest in pushing the Ham/Evans side of things and making it look like he, not Molland, is the real heir to the Badfinger legacy.
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